Baby Rock Band
Wednesday, January 28th, 2009Signe’s got rhythm. And she’s definitely got music. She’s got her daddy. Who could ask for anything more?
Signe’s got rhythm. And she’s definitely got music. She’s got her daddy. Who could ask for anything more?
We took Signe in for her four-month check up on Wednesday and, for the most part, we got a gold star for our parenting skills. Signe met all her developmental milestones and the doctor even called her Supergirl (because she’s so active and strong). However, when we learned that Sig is in the 75th percentile […]
Signe’s resolutions: -Gain ten pounds -Stop spitting up -Walk -Say “Mama” She’s really committed to these. Don’t be surprised if she accomplishes all of them. She’s disciplined like that.