Cruel and unusual…but kinda funny
Tuesday, March 25th, 200814 It would be more, but I’m “morally opposed to using children as weapons.” And I guess because my arms are short. How’s your score?
14 It would be more, but I’m “morally opposed to using children as weapons.” And I guess because my arms are short. How’s your score?
I have two new girl crushes. One of them isn’t that new. If you haven’t been here yet, go immediately. I had a blind brunch date with Elaine from I Could Kill Her this past weekend and, if you can believe it, she’s even cooler in person than she is on the blog. I expected […]
I’ve reached the point in this pregnancy where my breasts have taken over my life. They are, in a word, enormous. I look at myself in the mirror in the morning and laugh at how out of proportion I suddenly look. When I ask GTB about it, he wipes the drool from his chin and […]
Here, for better or worse, is my 2008 NCAA Tournament bracket. Please note, I have emotional connections to Oregon (for GTB), Washington State (because my parents met there and it’s the reason I exist), and Texas A & M (because I’m pretty sure I’m related to the head coach). So I predicted those teams will […]
GTB and I are both home sick, which means we’re currently absorbing the wise and entertaining Today show. We just saw a segment about what NOT to name your baby. Of course, we watched with great interest. They covered the usual offenders: Ima Hooker, Mary A. Belcher. But then they got to a category I’d […]
Last week, GTB and I went to the doctor for our second prenatal check up. Three really good things happened: 1. We got to hear the Blueberry’s heartbeat. 140 bpm. Just perfect. We got to see the heart flutter on the ultrasound at week 8, but for some reason, actually hearing it was more moving. […]
I’m sorry. I know I should be more supportive. After all, he’s a Seattle boy and he plays sax. And I lived in Seattle for many of my formative years and I played sax when I was a kid. But a Latin-infused Kenny G album must sound a lot like the music you’d hear on […]