Signe has a little hand-me-down toy that is a little like a jack in the box, but it’s soft and the thing that pops out is a dog. You don’t crank a wheel to get the dog to pop out either, it’s just a little flower held down by a magnet and if you flip the flower, out pops the doggy. Sig loves when I hide the dog and she gets to make him spring up by prying the box open.
The other day, she was fussing about something so I handed her that toy and when she made the dog pop up, I said “Ta-daaaaaaaaaa!” in a sing-songy voice. She looked at me puzzled. When I hid the dog again and she again made him pop up, I again sang “Ta-daaaaaaa!” The next time she made him appear, she looked at me expectantly until I said it.
Today, we were playing with the pop-goes-the-puppy and when it popped up, Signe said “ta da.” It was kinda whispered and certainly not sing-songy, but adorable no less. I think the toy’s new name is “Tada.”