Just to warn ya….
When Signe was brand new, I’d ask my mama friends about every potential milestone. When did Jack start smiling? When did Kenzie first roll over? How old was Georgia when you first gave her solid food? More often than not, I was met with a response that went something like this: “Um, I can’t remember exactly. Maybe around five months?”
I would be incredulous. How could you not remember? I had every moment of Signe’s young life commited to memory and to the journal I’d been keeping since I was four months pregnant, and, sometimes, to this blog.
The other night, I woke up with a startle when some sleepy part of my brain realized that I can’t remember the last time I wrote in Signe’s journal. And I think the last monthly update I wrote on her was three months ago. And I’m starting to forget things.
Ask me when Signe started crawling. Go ahead…ask.
I don’t remember!
I think she was seven months old…maybe? She stopped breastfeeding at nine months; I remember that. She took her first steps a week or so ago, so that’s 10 months. But when did she first say “kitty”? When did I first find her standing in her crib when I went in to get her in the morning?
Um, I can’t remember exactly.
It’s terrible. I have friends who are pregnant now and I can already anticipate their questions like the ones I asked my friends in those early days. It bugs me to already know that I’m going to fail them.
And, truth be told, I allow myself to daydream every once in a while about what it would be like to have another kid, and then I wonder how that kid would be different from Signe. Would he walk as early as she seems destined to? Would she say “mama” at six months?
All I can do is shrug and admit that even if that did happen (having another kid, I mean) I won’t remember much about Signe’s first few years if I don’t start writing it down somewhere.
I’ve had fears of this blog turning into a mommy blog. But I think that’s what I’m gonna have to do. So I apologize in advance if this turns into the Signe show. Then again, the rest of my life has. Why should Hickopolis be any different?
July 24th, 2009 at 10:13 am
please, please make it the Signe show! More Signe, More Signe! Oh, and she started saying “Katie” at 7 months!