Smaller implications
As I read this article this morning, a story filled with serious talk of the societal consequences of young people’s drinking, my only thought was this: college kids these days are total pussies.
When I was in high school, sure I played a few games of Quarters. And, in my twenties, I’ve been known to participate in a rousing round or two of Asshole. And, yes, we did invent a Lord of the Rings drinking game (“Anytime one guy puts his hand on another guy’s shoulder and looks meaningfully into his eyes, DRINK!). But on the whole, when I need a drink, I don’t need some gimmick to get buzzed. Do new drinkers (or newly legal drinkers) really need something called Beer Pong to feel justified in downing several brewskis?
At the risk of sounding like an old granny, these whippersnappers just slay me.