Angels among us
I’m having car trouble. Major trouble. The kind of trouble that costs more than a grand to fix and keeps me bus- and friend-dependent for transportation. The kind of trouble that caused me to spend part of last Wednesday night sitting on a stranger’s stoop, my car blocking another stranger’s driveway, waiting for a tow truck.
Tonight, at long last, I will get my car back. I love my car, but I’m a little pissed at it right now. Though the guy fixing it told me that if I got to 92,000 on one transmission, I’m probably doing OK. Whatever.
Anyway, what this minor catastrophe has taught me is that I have bonafide angels in my life. When Jeff heard I was stuck waiting for a lift to the shop at 10:00 p.m., he not only came over to keep me company, he gave me his car (a shiny, new, beautiful Passat, no less) for the weekend since he would be out of town. When I told him I’d have to take the bus to, gasp, Bellevue this morning for work, he offered to drive at least 30 minutes out of his way to give me a ride. When I told my boss, Shelley, that I needed to leave work early today to grab a bus from the Eastgate P&R that would then drop me off in Pioneer Square to grab a transfer that would drop me off in front of my apartment so I could be home in time for the dealership’s shuttle to pick me up in time to pick up my car before they close, she said, “That’s ridiculous, I’ll just give you a ride home.”
Again, I know this is minor, and that I’m being a big baby about taking the bus. I could do it if I had to; I’ve done it before. But I’m touched and grateful that I am surrounded by the kind of people who will drive across town (and over a floating bridge) to make my life a little easier. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
September 19th, 2005 at 1:20 pm
And like an idiot, after dropping you off this morning, I was on the phone and I missed my turn onto 405 to head down to my job between the wonderful playlands known as Kent and Renton. I ended up coming back to I-5 and going that way. I wasn’t late or anything but it was a bonehead move. What a boob I am….. ummmm, boob.
September 19th, 2005 at 3:13 pm
Well then you are a boob and an angel.
September 20th, 2005 at 5:56 am
Yeah, the angels are EVERYWHERE. I’m usually too bitter to recognize them- you’ve always been good about being grateful. Remember that day in college when you were having a bad day (yeah, you know that ONE day – ha)? You sat down on your dorm bed and asked those around you to tell you what was good about live- to get you in a grateful state of mind. Love that about ya, babe.
My husband started riding his bike to school this week (about a 35-40 ride). As we have lived half of our married life with one car, I’m always amazed at how it works out with two people and one car. Sometimes, yes, it does mean standing in the rain or developing a sore ass, or even having to (gasp!) adjust our schedules, but ultimately, the “norm” of transportation becomes whatever it is: bus, walking, car, bike- whatever. And, you lovely honest liberal Seattlite, it helps the gas situation, the pocketbook, and the environment to find ourselves transportionally inconvenienced at times. Of course, I’d be the first to guzzle the gas if it made life easier.