Battle of Wills
Signe got a set of table and two chairs for Christmas from Santa. Her favorite game lately is crawling on the chairs knees first and then standing on them. If I’m not paying attention, she says “Hi!” until I am. But most of the time, I am paying attention and before she fully extends her knees, I catch her and say “On your bottom!” She smiles like she thinks I’m kidding and in the interest of following through, I have to walk over and physically make her sit on her butt.
It’s a battle of wills, and though mine is strong, I fear she’s gaining the upper hand. I’ve resorted to yelling.
A few minutes ago, she tried this again and I said “ON YOUR BOTTOM, NOW!” She looked right at me, smiled, and said “No.”
I removed her from the chair she was standing on, grabbed both chairs, silently took them to the garage, and upon returning said to her, “I’m in control here, Signe. I’m the mama. When you’re 40, I will still be the one in control!”
To which my dear and devoted husband muttered under his breath, to no one in particular, “Believe it, Signe.”
February 10th, 2010 at 5:02 pm
GTB is just remembering when you first lived together and you did this to him. It was difficult to eat at the table without any of the chairs!