I’m sorry for the lack of posts lately. I’ve been unable to come up with anything good to write about because the only thing going on in my life, seriously, is that I’m totally obsessed with the Twilight books. I started reading them a week and a half ago and just finished the third one last night. I’m staring book four tonight and it’s all I can do not to head to bed at 7:45 to get started.
It’s so embarrassing. They aren’t even good. They are poorly written, incredibly immature, and cheesy as all get out. But the story has me completely enraptured. I think part of it is that they take place in Washington and it’s like reading about home. The other part that I like is all the Native American folklore. I’m a total sucker for that kind of stuff. (Have I mentioned before that I’m 1/32 Sioux, or is it 1/64?) I’m also loving all the teen angst. I have no patience for shows like Grey’s Anatomy because it is just rife with twentysomething angst. But for some reason, I am eating Bella’s overwrought love story UP.
Mostly though, it’s a total teenage girl wet dream. And given that I’m really just an overgrown teenager, I’m getting off on it. The most elusive and handsome boy in school (who, unbeknownst to you, has been waiting, like, a hundred years to fall in love) has chosen YOU, the plain, smart, slightly misunderstood, new girl, to be the object of his intense, overwhelming, effusive affection. And, to top it all off, he’s both a bad boy, to say the least, but he’s also not going to pressure you to have sex, in fact, he’s the one who insists on it being a bad idea. It’s nothing but sexual tension all the time. Sign me up!
I hope to be done with this godforsaken book by the end of the weekend. Then I’ll have my life back and I can think of something more interesting to write about on here than my crush on a fictional, teenage vampire.