Food of the Gods
I have a new favorite apple. If you know me at all, you know this is noteworthy. As a true Washingtonian and a fruit lover of old, apples are pretty important to me.
For years, I was a straight up Red Delicious fan. Sweet, simple perfection. Then, sometime after returning to the Seattle from back East, I discovered Pink Ladies. I was blown away by their sweet yet tart taste and their almost-without-fail firmness. Galas can be good, as can Jonagolds, but all it takes is one mealy example of either and you’re cured from ever wanting one again. Or maybe that’s just me. Not Pink Ladies though. As long as you get them in season, i.e. not too early in the fall, they are perfectly crisp every time.
A couple of years ago, I found something called a Honeycrisp at Uwajimaya in Seattle. This past winter, I really got into them. They are big, juicy, and just a bit tarter than Pink Ladies. I must have eaten 50 of them this past season.
But last weekend, on a grocery trip to the dismal Safeway north of our house, I was disappointed, though not surprised, to see that they didn’t have any Pink Ladies. As I perused the apple aisle, I found something that looked like Pink Ladies, but they were labeled Ambrosia. I’d never tried one before, so I only bought two.
I had my first one yesterday and all I can say is that they are heavenly. Not unlike a Pink Lady. A little less bold in flavor, but far more fragrant with a slight perfume taste. That sounds weird, but you’ll just have to take my word for it that they are amazing.
I’m now bummed I only bought two of them. But this site assures me I should be able to get them through February. Phew.
So, as a true and patriotic Washingtonian, I encourage you to run right out to your own nearest dismal Safeway (or whatever grocery store you like) and look for Ambrosias. If you don’t like them, well, you’re probably from Idaho or something. Silly potato lover!