I love being a girl!
Ever since we found out that Signe is female, I’ve had moments of sheer panic at the thought of raising a girl in our society. Knowing first hand how awful junior high and high school are for girls, not to mention the injustices faced in college and career, it’s difficult to wrap my brain around how I’m going to help her successfully navigate the world.
Friends and family remind me that, for better or worse, Signe’s upbringing will not be left entirely up to me. She will have other role models. She will be raised by one of the coolest guys in the world. She will be surrounded by amazing, successful, funny, insightful, smart, funny women. And, at some point, she will likely choose friends and boyfriends who will have more influence than I will.
Of course, that doesn’t stop me from worrying every time I read a story about how women still don’t get equal pay for the same work or teenage girls beating the shit out of each other because of some bitchy text messages or when I watch Rock of Love II. It’s terrifying.
But then I’ll read a story like this and I’ll think “Fuck it. Girls rule!”
April 30th, 2008 at 7:53 pm
My love…I feel your pain. Everytime I drive by a high school and see these 15-year-olds wearing skanky clothes with their thongs showing I have a panic attack. I just keep praying that Georgia becomes a band and/or theater geek. Because I will straight up be one of those mothers who will regulate what she wears.
PS – I have a bunch of newborn toys and some other misc. stuff I’m saving if you want them. Let me know.
May 2nd, 2008 at 9:50 am
Elaine, we are starting Baby G and Signe in music classes as soon as Signe can hold drumsticks. We know a couple of other kickass little girls who can join the band when time is right. They’ll be bigger than the Go-Gos.